Well I've been doing lots more creating lately than I've been able to for a while now. Thankfully!
So due to that I have lots more images scanned into my computer, just waiting for me to share it with you all. Hmmm... much thoughtful contemplation... trying to figure out which of my creations to share today. How about we choose our QuicKuts. I have loved these little dies and have been using them for some time. But when when they started coming out with larger dies and longer border style ones they obviously won me over in no time as well. So without further dilly-dallying here are two of my favorite samples.

I made both of these samples last summer when I was considering applying for a position as an ambassador with QuicKutz. Since thing obviously change and sometimes quickly, let just say that is no longer in the plans but I still love QuicKutz.

This book mark is my absolute favorite. It has loads of QuicKutz dies on it and one small tiny picture of our "Sweet Baby Cakes" from September 2008 when he was 2 years old. The dies encompass everything that he loved at the time: legos, crayons, construction vehicles, bubbles and balloons.
Now how many of of you want to run out and find you some QuicKutz or dig them out from that back drawer and start using them again. It is true that some little impressions can go a very long way and they are great for those little "Love Notes" as well!
Until Next time be safe, be healthy and be creative!