Sorry that it has been almost a week since I published anything at all. Guess it is a good thing that I currently have only 1 follower and since she is my best friend she knows everything they I will write here anyway!!! I do hope that I will gain some NEW followers soon and that my blog will blossom to be the beautiful flower I know it can be.
1st: I slightly changed the neme of my blog/site, whatever! I use to run a home party stamp business back in 1996 to 1998. I had a really good business going but then I desided to go back to school. So now I am a certified aromatherpist/aromacologist. I have done absolutely nothing with the aromatherapy other than for myself, some friend and some family, Needless t say the aromatherapy has become a hobby that I dable with very infrequently. As my heart truly lies in the artistic and paper crafting area I've been back to stamping, scraping and paper crafting full heartedly for about 5 years now. I also went to art school when I was finishing my seniour year of high school. We rarely talk about this because much to my parents didmay I did not finish the entire course. Hind sight being 20/20 it is also very much to my dismay as well. I was seriously considering opening a shop of my own but due to some health reasons I finally decided that this was something that would be out of my reach. It was at this time I went to talk to my friends Jackie & Ken at the Stamp Express. I've known them since I was in 2nd grade and I am very happy with the arrangements we have come up with and the way we are working together to bring her shop around to the best little shop in the area! At any rate back to the name change. When I was running my own Stamp Party business I had paid the state to register my business name and figured I should really use it now! Thus I'm once again using Stamp Works with the Extraordinary Paper Embellishments as a tag line.
So the Customer Appreciation Day at Stamp Express was a huge success yesterday! Yeah for them. I was definately a good sign that you all want them to continue to stay and to continue with the plan to bring in the new and fantastic products that are not being carried by any or most of the other shops in the surrounding area. Everyone was escited with the 4 Make & Takes we had for them to make.

1st they made a small magnetic picture frame for the refrigerator. It was easy, valentine oriented and oh so cute. The 1st step and most amazing of this adorable little giftable is that you can start with s simple square coaster like many of the resturaunts use.
2nd they moved to the next table to try the score-pal and the JustRite Stamps. Here they made a gate fold card stamped on the front with Sweet Treats and adnered a recied for Micr5owave Fudge inside the card. We will be debuting the JustRite Stamps in March at our Spring Fling so be sure to keep a watch out for information on that upcoming event.
3rd they moved inside the store and played and I do mean play. While they created an adorable little valentine oriented love note; creating with glimmermist is truly like playing with a favorite toy! Untorturately for us and our customers this sold out in less than a week and we did not have this in the shop yesterday. It is on order and we do expect it to come in next week or the following week. Orders are shipping slow ritht now because of the wholesale companies are all preparing for the ever extraordinaryly popular and upcoming CHA.
4th and Finally they moved over to the classroom where I was teaching them how to use our latest addition to the shop "Rubber Stamp Tapestty". These stamps were a tremendous hit and again we are almost sold out just from yesterday. Thankfully we did have the fore site to put back some of the set we will be using for the night of Love with Rubber Stamp Tapestry on January 29th.
After our customers were finished with their projects they were encouraged to look around and do some shopping after they stopped up front to view the item that was being given away to the Big Spender of the day. I so wish I had written down the lady who won. At any rate Ken or Jackie will notify the winner and she is the person who at the end of the day when the register was checked out that had spend the most money! Congratulations to our Big Spender, enjoy your lovely gift!
This week I was working on lots of items for the Stamp Express. I didn't have any more Make & Takes made so I desperately needed to work on those and got the next 4 weeks ready to go, Yeah! This weeks Make & Take is a 3" x 3" love note featuring coffee, tea, Hot Cocoa or whatever your favorite hot drink may be. If you like this little card be sure to pick up a few sheets of the designer paper which I designed especially for this Make & Take but I was so thrilled with it I do plan on using it on some additional projects in the future. I hope you all love it as much as I do.
I also had to get the samples made for the class I will be teaching at the Stamp Express on January 29th. An evening of Love with Rubber Stamp Tapestry. I was really excited with these samples I used only the one fetured set for the class with the addition of only 1 peg stamp. Whit these few stamps I was able to create 3 completely different samples that you too will recreate when you take the class on January 29th.
Now onto talk about my absolutely favorite stamp company, The Greeting Farm. Love their stamps and the people who own and work with the company are just as great at their products. Every one and every products is just so terrific. And the best thing of all is that Stamp Express does indeed carry The Greeting Farm stamps too. Another company that no other shop in the area carries. This company is so great to their customers is you just follow their 2 blogs you can try to winn something 4 times each and every week.
1st Monday they announce their 1st contest of the week.
2nd Wednesday they announce their 2nd contest of the week.
3rd Friday they announce their 3rd contest of the week.
4th Saturday they announce their 4th and final contest of the week.
I don't know on fany other company out there that has so many ways for their customers to win each and every week. This week the one contest is a FREE digi, andther contest is a FREE single stamp of choice, and I just can't remember right now wht the other 2 contest winners will receive. See how great they are. Then this week they asked the question at the Farmers Market how they could be cooler, well come on are they not already the coolest company out there? I sure thing that they are! I just love em, love em, love em!!!
Lastly I wanted to mention a new compny that I ordered 2 things from and received this week. If you are familiar with Stampavie and their artist Sarah Kay, who the Stamp Express also carries and to my knowlege NO other stores in the area carries. This will give you an idea of what kind of designs they have; however, their stamps are make out of red rubber and on the foam but they are cling so you again need the acrilic blocks, just like The Greeting Farm. Anyway the company is Belles 'N Whistles. Their designer stamp designer is Elisabeth Bell and the company owner is Summer. Not sure of Summer's last name. Belles 'N Whistles is the stamp company but Summer also has a shop called Roses on Paper which is located in beautiful Hawaii, on the island of O'ahu. I haven't yet had the time to use the two stamps I ordered from them but they are beautiful and I'm very excited about using them. In addition to my order of only 2 stamps Summer included a little bag of flowers with them. These flowers ae absolutely fabulous, they are not like anything I've ever seen here in Pennsylvania! Guess I'll be seeing if I can order some flowers. Anyway I look forward to ordering from Belles 'N Whisltles again, truly another wonderful company to work with. One of the very few that still send out small product samples with their orders, even a very small order!!!
I really just can't resist embellisments, or desgisn paper or ribbon!!! To say I have problems is an understatement. I have serious issues and a basement of shelves and jars to prove it!!!
So enjoy what is left of your weekend. Stay dry and warm and if I don't post again until next weekend know I am busy creating wonderful Make & Takes for Stamp Express or trying to win a prize at The Greeting Farm. I love working and making all these worderful samples for FREE products! It is what has been supporting my habit for some time! So I work so I can get new items so I can use them to work some more. It is worth it to me.
May your week be full of Blessings until next week!