Today I am getting ready to leave for Stamp Express. I have 2 Rubber Stamp Tapestry Classes I am teaching there today. They are both exactly the same; one is at 10am and the other is at 6pm. Want to be sure to accommodate all individuals regardless of their schedules. Not sure how many are signed up for each class but we can always make room for one more if you want to hurry on in to catch this incredibly style of card making. The cost of the class is only $20 and you will make 2 card (with lots of layers and gold) and a book marker (with tassel).
We have about 4 of the Love sets available and a few other sets that are still on the shelves. The Rubber Stamp Tapestry had an amazing debut in Stamp Express and they are going fast, so fast that I pulled the love sets out and some of the hearts out to save for the classes today.
Stop by Stamp Express tomorrow or anytime next week to see the cutest little Sweet Treats that will be the next class I teach on February 5th. The cost for the Sweet Treats Class is also $20 and I will put samples up her later today!
Don't forget Stamp Express will soon be ordering from my absolute favorite company; The Greeting Farm and at the Spring Fest in March we will debuting JustRite Stampers. The excitement continues so get on board and have some fun with the Stamp Express.
The cards and bookmark are lovely. I have always wanted to try the tapestry stamps - but as of yet its still on my wish list.
Hope your classes go well
Lisa ;)
Hi Lisa Jane,
Thanks so much for your very nice comments. If we live anywher close to each other I would love to share Rubber Stamp Tapestry with you. It is so very easy once you learn a few easy rules to keep in mind when stamping with their stamps. Even if we don't live close I can alway e-mail you the tips and techniques I've learned that seem to work best for me, when you get your 1st set! Check out their site at Every month they have a special set tht they sell at 25% OFF and their shipping is incredibly reasonable. Also they ship very quickly too. You can also sign up for their newsletters which have some good ideas at times. Like I said just let me know when you get your 1st set and I will give you some tips that they don't tell you and some other tips that I just happen to learn on my own. Then mostly it just takes some practice to perfect the art. But also I must tell you it is very hard to mess up any card because almost ALL tiny little mishaps can be easily fixed, I'll let you in on that tip too. Just let me know when you get that 1st set. I know it is so hard to get everything when you want sooooo much. And there is just so much to want and get and there is never enough money!!!
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