Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Morning Blues

Talk about Monday Morning Blues. It rained all night here, so much in fact that we have flood warnings in affect. So needless to say it is still raining and dreary and just plain Blue, Oh well, good for me I can hide in my craft room and create, create, create!!! yeah

So here, as promised, are the samples that did not make my cut to be send off for the DT Call. I still have 2 cards that I'm not displaying today that are over the 3 projects asked for. I'm debating whether I should send them or not. That would be 5 project submissions instead of 3. Two of the individuals, I polled to help me choose, chose these two plus one more and the other two choose the other 3 projects.

Well the DT Call Application has to be in tomorrow so I have 24 hours to decide what to do. If I decide not to send the additional 2 you will see them here tomorrow. If I decide to send them then I'll find something else to show you here. I have lots of B-day cards to start working on so I'm sure to have a project to show you!

Until tomorrow enjoy these samples and get inspired, be creative and have an extraordinary day!

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